There are many ways you can help Rawhide Rescue.
Come to our Adoption Days
Come to our Adoption Days and volunteer with us.
Rawhide’s Spay/Neuter Program
We are dedicated to providing safe havens for dogs who find themselves without a home, regardless of age, size or breed. Many families who want to add a puppy to their family might consider adoption if more puppies were available. In the current circumstance of overpopulation of dogs, even puppies are routinely killed, thus we continue to address the root cause of homeless animals, overpopulation. A single male and female and their offspring can produce thousands of offspring in six years. If you would like to donate a spay/neuter certificate in your dog’s name, you can do so online with a card or PayPal account.
Your everyday shopping can benefit Rawhide Rescue
Feel guilty shopping? No longer! By becoming a member of iGive you are helping a special cause while indulging yourself. Click here and you’ll see how easy it can be
Sponsor ANY of our Rawhide Pets
Join our program to sponsor a Rawhide Pet until it becomes adopted. Now you can sponsor your own Rawhide pet! For a monthly donation of $25, you can select your own special pet to sponsor. This program helps us with the basic care of an animal, including food and veterinary costs.
We are often contacted by people who ask us about a particular dog. Regretfully they are unable to adopt due to personal circumstances. Our sponsorship program allows you to know you have a role in the well-being and care of “your” pet while in foster.