We adopted our sweet lab mix, Mason, from Rawhide Rescue in May, 2007, when he was about 3 months old. His name at adoption was Rochester, and he’d been brought up from Arkansas with the rest of his litter. Mason was the sweetest, most easy-going and friendly dog ever. If we were walking a path and someone was coming up behind us, he’d stall–pretending to sniff while looking back at the person approaching–and turn at the last minute to greet the oncomer with a smile (you know how dogs look when they smile!) and maybe a paw. He’d do anything for a treat. I lost many scarves, dishtowels and sweaters that were hanging within his reach, because he’d grab the fabric in his teeth and shake his head at me provocatively: Let’s play! We took hundreds of walks in the woods. But at 13, his hips were giving out; he became incontinent, he could do little but sleep. Last night we said goodbye. I’ve received so many messages from people who knew Mason saying what a wonderful dog he was: sweet, friendly, funny and kind. Thank you for bringing Mason into our lives.